urbanCORE Home


urbanCORE is the hub of UNC Charlotte’s engaged scholarship ecosystem. (CORE is an acronym for Community-Oriented Research and Engagement.)

Our unit mobilizes, assesses and advances efforts that connect the University’s interdisciplinary, urban research resources to community assets in order to “co-produce transformative solutions to societal issues and challenges.”*

*The quotation is from Focus Area C of UNC Charlotte’s 2021-2031 Strategic Plan, “Shaping What’s Next” (p. 23).

Core Spotlights & Announcements

Community Innovation Incubator Undergraduate Fellowship

The Community Innovation Incubator Undergraduate Fellowship is a community-engaged learning program designed for undergraduate student teams interested in influencing social impact in Charlotte communities. Fellows work with community leaders and faculty researchers who have agreed to co-produce an innovative solution that addresses a community-identified need along the I-85/Sugar Creek/Hidden Valley corridor. 

2023-2024 W+GRA SEED Grant Funding Request for Proposal

The Women + Girls Research Alliance (W+GRA) is excited to announce a call for proposals for projects that emphasize community partnerships and community-engaged research activities, that addresses the critical areas of mental health and wellness, economic security/mobility, and equity in the Charlotte metropolitan area.