urbanCORE to co-produce international journal examining community engaged scholarship

UNC Charlotte’s urbanCORE will co-produce Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, in partnership with the University of Technology Sydney, a public research university in Australia.
Gateways is an award-winning journal that “responds to an emerging global movement of collaborative, critical and change-oriented community-university research initiatives.” As UNC Charlotte’s hub for engaged scholarship that connects the university to the community, urbanCORE is an ideal publishing partner for Gateways.
“Our discussions together have revealed a shared commitment to the importance of engaged scholarship and the critical role it can play in building a just, inclusive and sustainable world,” said Margaret Malone, Gateways managing editor. “We are greatly looking forward to working together to grow Gateways’ contribution as a leading journal in this global endeavor.”
As a peer-reviewed, open-source, online publication, Gateways publishes case studies about community-based research, analyses of different partnership models, and theoretical reflections, all of which contribute to the emerging scholarship of community-engaged research. The journal does not charge any type of article processing or submission fees. In 2021, there were 32,196 full-text article downloads from Gateways.
“As UNC Charlotte seeks to advance our leadership in engaged scholarship in accordance with our new strategic plan, we are eager to contribute to a shared global understanding of this work and its critical importance to society and higher education,” said Dr. Byron P. White, Associate Provost for Urban Research and Community Engagement at UNC Charlotte.
Dr. White will serve on the journal’s Editorial Committee along with Dr. Tamara Johnson, Director of Engaged Scholarship at UNC Charlotte. Provost Joan Lorden will serve on the Advisory Board.
Gateways publishes at least two volumes each year, and is published by UTS ePRESS, the digital, open access scholarly publishing arm of the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). A recent volume examines questions of power, positionality and interpersonal relationships in engaged scholarship.