urbanCORE Community Engagement Pathway

Welcome to the urbanCORE Community Engagement Pathway!
The Community Engagement Pathway is a tool to guide you on your community-based learning journey as you thoughtfully and productively address the cultural, economic, educational, environmental, health, and social needs of the greater Charlotte region. This tool helps you navigate numerous opportunities to engage with the greater Charlotte community, and encourages you to build on those experiences while cultivating and articulating your own civic identity. This pathway illuminates the connections between your community-based learning experience, your academic journey, and your broader personal and professional purpose.
Upon completion of the COOPERATE level milestone, you will earn the Community Engagement credential and badge.

Connect Level
At the CONNECT level, students will begin to engage with organizations and institutions in the greater Charlotte community, will be introduced to the historical roots of Charlotte’s current social and economic context, and will begin to explore their own civic knowledge and identities. To achieve this milestone, students and must demonstrate that they have completed:
- 20 hours of community engagement
- the Civic Identity Learning Module
- the Charlotte Overview learning Module
- the Intercultural Competency Learning Module
Cooperate Level
At the COOPERATE level, students will deepen their connections to community organizations and social issues. Students will be introduced to specific social impact approaches and methodologies, and will be connected to resources on campus that will help them strengthen their skills in these areas. To earn the community engagement credential, students must demonstrate that they have completed.
- the CONNECT level milestone
- a semester-long community engagement activity,
- the Community-Based Research Learning Module
- the Entrepreneurial Thinking Learning Module

Recent studies have shown that there is a growing workforce and employers are looking for graduates that understand how to create value by solving problems. The Community Engagement Pathway is a tool to guide users on their community-based learning journey as they thoughtfully and productively address the cultural, economic, educational, environmental, health, and social needs of the greater Charlotte region. This cohesive, interactive program will allow students to show that they have acquired specific skills, or competencies useful in the workplace, and provide them with competencies that enable students to highlight on their resume, Portfolium, and LinkedIn.
This tool helps users navigate numerous opportunities to engage with the greater Charlotte community, and encourages them to build on those experiences while cultivating and articulating a unique civic identity. The pathway illuminates the connections between users’ community-based learning experience, academic journey, and broader personal and professional purpose. Upon completion of the COOPERATE level milestone, students will earn the Community Engagement credential and badge.
For more information, contact Dr. Tamara Johnson, Director of Engaged Scholarship at urbanCORE, the hub of UNC Charlotte’s engaged scholarship ecosystem.