urbanCORE Drop-In Hours for Engaged Faculty

Interested in community-engaged research or teaching and don’t know where to start? Do you want to discuss a CE problem with an expert? Join Kim Buch in the Engaged Faculty Lounge on Wednesday, October 25 from 1 p.m. – 2 p.m. at Sycamore 302. Add event to your calendar)
During engaged faculty lounge hours, you are invited to drop in for a chat with an experienced community-engaged teacher-scholar. Kimberly Buch is a professor in the department of Psychology. Her students work with her in a variety of contexts: studies on social justice topics, service-learning (SL) courses, and engaged scholarship projects. She also advises on the SL course designation process, submitting project proposals to the Office of Undergraduate Research, and disseminating SL or engaged scholarship work. Drinks and snacks provided.